
Internationalisation is an important part of our school. Through all kinds of projects, we offer our pupils and teachers the opportunity to learn across Europe.

What internationalisation programmes can you expect at Talentenschool Turnhout?


Many of our teachers engage in small classroom projects working on the same theme with other classes in Europe. The school provides annual in-service training for interested teachers and has already won several eTwinning awards.


Talentenschool Turnhout has participated in quite a few projects under the European Union's Erasmus+ programme in recent years. Several teachers on both campuses are actively involved in these projects. You can find the details on our internationalisation blog.

What opportunities does our school offer?

European courses

Our school likes to have a look on innovation and looks abroad for good practices. Forward-thinking school building in Denmark, STEM in Ireland, a conference on innovative leadership in Slovenia. It makes for teachers who take our pupils on a journey with open minds and new ideas. It makes for a school that continues to develop based on new insights.

Study visits

Teachers from our school also visit other schools in the European Union. Studying approaches and practices in foreign schools is inspiring. It ensures that our teachers can constantly improve their lessons based on the insights gained.

Foreign internship

Every year, all students from 6 double finality, 6 and 7 labour market finality can apply to do one of their internships abroad. They then work in a company abroad. Besides professional knowledge, they also learn to deal with foreign languages, other cultures and other customs. Among other things, pupils learn to live semi-independently and to help in the daily tasks of living together. It further forms them into global citizens.

School partnerships

Our school is also very active within school partnerships. Together with foreign schools, we work on themes such as citizenship, ecology, etc. for about two years. There are regular project meetings where, on the one hand, we receive foreign pupils at our school. But on the other hand, we also take groups of pupils abroad to one of our partner schools. Ideal moments for our pupils to practise their languages and discover other cultures together. In recent years, our school has collaborated with schools from Portugal, Sweden, Spain, Ireland, Finland, Germany, Poland and Austria.

Would you like to know more about our projects?

Or are you interested in a collaboration?

Please contact our internationalisation coordinator, Ben Bastiaensen (